Unleash Your Inner Innovator: Workshop That Transforms How You Solve Problems

Zubin J
3 min readJun 24, 2024


Have you ever felt stuck staring at a problem, wishing you had a magic solution button? What if there was a framework that could not only help you solve problems but transform them into opportunities for groundbreaking innovation?

This is the power of Design Thinking, and our transformative Design Thinking Workshop is your gateway to unlocking it. We’ll guide you through a human-centered approach that’s used by leading companies like Apple and Airbnb, and countless forward-thinking individuals around the world.

Here’s why this workshop is different:

  • Breakthrough Thinking, Not Boring Lectures: Forget dry lectures and theory sessions. Our workshop is a dynamic experience packed with interactive activities. You’ll be actively applying design thinking methods to real-world challenges you face, whether it’s improving a process at work, crafting a more engaging classroom experience, or developing a new product idea. This hands-on approach ensures you walk away with not just knowledge, but practical skills you can use immediately.
  • Empathy: The Secret Weapon of Innovation: We’ll delve deep into the concept of empathy, teaching you to see the world through the eyes of your users or customers. You’ll learn to ask insightful questions, observe user behavior, and uncover hidden needs and frustrations. This understanding is the fuel that ignites the creation of truly user-centered solutions that resonate with people on a deeper level.
  • From Brainstorming to Brilliance: Get ready to unleash your inner genius! We’ll introduce you to powerful brainstorming techniques that take you beyond the typical “same old, same old” ideas. Through exercises like Crazy 8’s, you’ll learn to generate a multitude of creative solutions in a short amount of time. No more feeling like you’re stuck in a rut — this workshop will spark a firestorm of innovative possibilities.
  • Make Your Ideas Tangible: It’s one thing to have an idea, it’s another to bring it to life. Our workshop will guide you through the process of prototyping, transforming your abstract concepts into physical or digital models. This could be a rough sketch, a 3D printed model, or even a simple role-playing scenario. The key is to create something tangible that you can test with real users.
  • Feedback is Your Friend: The magic of design thinking lies in iteration. After you build your prototypes, you’ll get real user feedback to see what works and what needs improvement. This feedback loop is essential for refining your designs and ensuring they truly address the needs you identified in the empathy stage.

This is More Than a Workshop, It’s a Community:

Our Design Thinking Workshop isn’t just about acquiring skills; it’s about fostering connections. You’ll have the opportunity to network with a diverse group of professionals and enthusiasts from various backgrounds. Share your ideas, learn from others’ experiences, and forge connections that can spark future collaborations.

Who Should Attend?

This workshop is designed for anyone who wants to be a better problem-solver. Are you a professional looking to boost your innovation skills and develop fresh perspectives for your team? An educator seeking creative methods to engage your students and make learning come alive? A student wanting to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills that will set you apart? An entrepreneur with a game-changing idea but needing a framework to bring it to life? If you answered yes to any of these, then this workshop is for you.

Meet the Mind Behind the Workshop:

Your guide on this innovation journey is Zubin Jhaveri, a mechanical engineer turned educator with over 10 years of industry experience. Zubin brings his unique blend of design thinking expertise and project-based learning to the classroom, fostering creativity and critical thinking in his students. Now, he’s passionate about sharing his knowledge and empowering others to become design thinking masters.

Ready to take the next step?

Join us at Jashn Studios in Bandra West and embark on a journey of design thinking mastery. Don’t just solve problems, craft groundbreaking innovations that make a real difference in your work, your education, and the world around you. Spots are limited, so register today at +91 982 011 5902 or zubinjcoach@gmail.com.

This workshop is your investment in a more creative, innovative, and problem-solving you. The future of problem-solving starts here. Enroll today!



Zubin J

Passionate Design Technology Teacher | IB MYP | Empowering Students through Hands-On Learning and Design Thinking